How to Use Pine Sol as Mosquito Repellent

What is Pine Sol?

Pine Sol is a remarkably recognized and loved domestic cleaning detergent primarily used in disinfecting, cleaning, and deodorizing different surfaces which include floors, tables, toilets and kitchen. Its ability to remove grease and grime efficiently led to mass consumerization. The Pine Sol contains A mixture of Pine oil and other cleaning agents that work on the grease and grime. It has a pungent fragrance as Pine oil the active compound is the key ingredient. It also has a strong scent of pine making it possible to use Pine Sol as a mosquito repellant.

Can Pine Sol keep mosquitoes away

Pine Sol is also believed to keep mosquitos away because it contains Pine oil which possesses insect-suppressing properties. A strong fresh scent of pine prevails in it Pine oil. Being sensitive to strong odors, mosquitoes and insects fail to detect their target hosts when comes in area filled with strong scent. This strong pine oil smell, masks the human scents and interferes with their ability to detect hosts.

Although, we believed the above concept that Pine Sol keep mosquitoes away, and is also an insect repellent. This is due to its intense pine oil scent, and in one of the research study in Journal of Vector Borne Diseases, it is found that it is effective in large dosages against mosquito larvae (larvicidal activity) which is practically not possible, however showed strong mosquito repellency (repelling activity) in couple of mosquito species, and so it can be categorized or called as ‘Mosquito repellent’ scientifically.

Due to its capacity to masks the human scents, it can deter mosquitoes to some extent, but cannot provide the same level of protection as other commercial repellents do.

Pine Sol as mosquito repellent
Pine Sol as mosquito repellent
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How to Use Pine Sol as Mosquito repellent

Pine Sol can be employed in spray form by mixing it with water and spraying it from a spray bottle available in the markets. It can be integrated into our mosquito control routine preferably together with some other control measures. It can be applied in the following situations:

  • To clean outdoor surfaces like tables, decks and porches.
  • Near windows and doorways to create a barrier to entry. It’s strong scent repel mosquitoes away and distracts them from the entry points.
  • To mop floors near the doors and other entry points of your home, to deter mosquitoes away.
  • For outdoor locations simply spray the Pine Sol water solution around the areas where mosquitoes may be hiding. Any standing water, like pond, birdbath, puddles, etc. or any dense vegetation, tall grass, etc.

How to prepare Pine Sol mosquito repellent spray

Follow below instructions to prepare Pine Sol Mosquito spray:


  • 1 Cup of Pine Sol
  • 3 Cups of Water
  • A spray bottle


  • Mix the Pine Sol and water in 1:3 ratio as per your required quantity, you can adjust the ratio if you want to increase the strength of the spray.
  • Transfer the mixed Pine Sol and water mixture into the spray bottle.
  • Mix it thoroughly and label the bottle before use
  • Avoid direct contact with the skin and test in small areas for any staining.

Using Pine Sol in combination with other repellents

Pine Sol as mosquito repellent, can be used effectively when used in combination with other natural or commercial mosquito repellents. The following can be used along with Pine Sol:

  1. Citronella candles
  2. Essential oils like Eucalyptus oil, Lavender Oil, Tea Tree oil, etc.
  3. Mosquito traps
  4. Mosquito netting
  5. Burning coffee grounds
  6. Fire pits, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pine Sol as mosquito repellent

The Pine Sol as mosquito repellent has few advantages as well as drawbacks as mentioned below:

Readily available as a common household itemNot scientifically proved as mosquito repellent and so its effectiveness is not reliable against variable mosquito population and diverse environmental conditions.
Its a multipurpose product, can be used as a cleaning agent, disinfectant, deodorizing agent, as well as insect repellentPine Sol is not not advisable to use in contact with the skin. Some people may experience allergies, which is not confirmed, but may affect people with sensitive skin
Pleasant and refreshing scent

Alternative uses of Pine Sol for pest control

Along with mosquitoes Pine Sol can also be used as insect repellent for other pests. Ants, flies, spiders, rodents, etc., can be kept away from your home by using Pine Sol. The strong scent of the Pine Sol can disrupts their senses and masks their scent trails, and discourage them from entering your home.

Spray the Pine Sol mixture in areas near spider webs, vents, corners in the sides and below furniture. Focus on entry areas and hiding spots for these pests and rodents. Maintain cleanliness and declutter areas to eliminate any spaces to hide.


Since, the Pine Sol is mainly used as a cleaning agent, but it’s strong scent makes it a potential insect repellent. It can be used in cleaning routines in our homes where we can also expect some mosquito repelling effect.

While using Pine Sol as a mosquito repellent, it does help create and maintain a pest, a rodent and a mosquito free environment. When applying such curtains, caution should be exercised to ensure the curtains are not near babies, young children and pets and skin should not be exposed to the spraying directly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is Pine Sol a good repellent?

    Pine oil has come out as one of the effective mosquito repellents. But Pine Sol is different as its a commercial product which has been made with pine oil and some cleaning agents which makes its final product less effective compared all other commercial pure mosquito repellents.

  2. Is pine oil mosquito repellent?

    Yes Pine oil has been found to be a good mosquito repellent. It masks the scents that mosquito detects as a trail and releases a strong pine scent that discourages them and repel away.

  3. Does pine tar repel mosquitoes?

    Yes, the sticky nature and strong intense scent can deter mosquitoes and other insects. Since it is obtained by burning pine wood (carbonization) into a thick tar like substance which is brown to black in color. And so it cannot be used inside homes. Mostly used in outdoor locations to repel pests and insects, including mosquitoes.

  4. How long does Pine Sol keep flies away

    Flies finds the strong intense smell of pine oil very unpleasant. It’s effect vanishes as the scent fades away in air. So, the pine Sol can keep flies away for hardly 3 to 4 hours. It may be necessary to reapply after every couple of hours to get desired effectiveness. It’s effectiveness also depends on environmental factors like wind, temperature, humidity, etc.

About Raashid Ansari

Raashid Ansari, a thoughtful writer that finds joy in sharing knowledge, tips and experiences on various helpful topics around nature, wildlife, as well as business. He has a deep connection with nature that often reflects in his work. Whether he's writing about recycling or the wonders of nature or any health topic, Raashid Ansari aims to inspire and educate through his words. "Find him on LinkedIn and Facebook"

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